Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Traitors Among Us

 It seems that some treacherous Iranians are wishing for death and destruction - a la Iraq.  This is not the first time.  The article below was published in 2006 - though regrettably, Payvand Iran News has removed my articles.  

Without a doubt, the United States has the finest military in the world; its technology supersedes all others.  However, in spite of the strides it has made, it only has “bunker-busters” and not “turban-busters”.  It should bear in mind that if it or Israel attack Iran, many innocent lives will be lost.  All the Iranian-Chalabis who wish to see the regime gone, should understand that the blood of innocent Iranians should not be the petals that pave the way for their return – each petal begat in this manner, will have a poisoned thorn. 


Mass Amnesia!

 By: Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

 In 2004, the IAEA chief, Mohammad ElBaradei said the Israeli nuclear arsenal was an obstacle to peace in the Middle East.  According to him, it was unsustainable that some countries had nuclear weapons and others did not.  ElBradaei said:

  “As long as you continue to have countries dangling a cigarette from their mouth, you cannot tell everybody not to smoke with a high degree of credibility[1].

 Yet, threatened by the US, he has been stricken by amnesia. The threat of peace that was once the result of having a nuclear arsenal has now shifted to abiding by the letter of the law - the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).  Indeed, it would seem as if the IAEA has become the political arm of the major Western powers. On March 14, 2005, Akira Omoto, Director, Division of Nuclear Power of IAEA stated that IAEA would continue to “help Pakistan in the field of nuclear safety by providing advice, guidance, sending expert missions and holding training workshops.”(Pakistan Press International Information Services[2])  Pakistan, it must be recalled, is not a signatory to the NPT, and it has been revealed that A.Q. Khan was responsible for nuclear proliferation.  Yet, in a role reversal, and in following America’s suit, the IAEA has become political and is extending a helping hand to this “pariah” state.

 Another nuclear-armed state, India, which is not a member of the NPT, is getting full cooperation from the United States in developing its civilian nuclear program.  The Director General of the IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei welcomed this move although the deal could damage global nuclear security stating:

Making advanced civil nuclear technology available to all countries will contribute to the enhancement of nuclear safety and security.”(Murphy[3]).

 The European Troika, Germany, France, and Britain, contributors to Israel’s deadly arsenal (Germany, feeling out of contribution,  recently provided Israel with submarines which could be capable of carrying Popeye Turbo cruise missiles[4] ), must surely suffer from amnesia, for they  condemn Iran for abiding by the NPT while they themselves contributed to creating havoc in the Middle East and disrupting peace.

What has given rise to this mass amnesia that has stricken the Western powers, including the United Nations body, the IAEA and its chief, ElBaradei?  In the nuclear age, it is not just Ahamdinejad’s tirades that get recorded!  It may well be that memory has to be sacrificed in order to acquire power, in which case, the IAEA chief, the European Troika, and the US must be reminded that unlike US allies, Iran has not violated the NPT, and its suspension of uranium conversion (NOT enrichment – as some would falsely accuse Iran) was a voluntary, good faith decision.  Hence, the resumption of research, something that the IAEA chief has forgotten he strongly supports, is a right afforded it under the NPT and should be decoupled from foreign policy.  It is a VIOLATION by the major powers if the decline assistance in the field of research – Mr. ElBaradei, do you remember?   

Ahamadinejad’s persona has been fused with Iran’s inalienable right, playing into the hands of warmongers.  The stage is being set for sanctions, a prelude to military intervention.  Without a doubt, the United States has the finest military in the world; its technology supersedes all others.  However, in spite of the strides it has made, it only has “bunker-busters” and not “turban-busters”.  It should bear in mind that if it or Israel attack Iran, many innocent lives will be lost.  All the Iranian-Chalabis who wish to see the regime gone, should understand that the blood of innocent Iranians should not be the petals that pave the way for their return – each petal begat in this manner, will have a poisoned thorn. 









[1] (Source: Reuters, 27 June 2004).


[2] IAEA to continue support to Pakistan in the field of nuclear safety”.  Pakistan Press International Information Services. 14 March 2005.



[3] Murphy, Francois.  “Un Atomic Chief Says Supports U.S.-India Nuke Deal”. Reuters News. 20 July 2005


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