Friday, July 12, 2019

The New Saddam Hossein

Washington Post writes that America has found its new Saddam Hossein, referring to MbS.

What is not said is the fact that this is probably the only "successful" coup in recent years. The Palace Coup which brought this guy into power to serve America and its boss Israel, and to lead to the demise of Saudi Arabia.
It had been planned by pro-Israel think tanks for years to have a 'change of leadership' in Saudi Arabia. They got it. They got their coup and those who did not go along got locked up, then released after reassurances of cooperation.
As much as I hate all the actions of the Saudis throughout the years, I pity the people of this country who have no say over their coup leader and his bosses. They are victims as well.
The people will soon see bombs drop on them. Enough hatred has been generated for there to be cheers when this happens, and no protests.
Do you all remember the cheers when Iraq was bombed and Saddam captured?