Friday, August 13, 2021

Raisi's New Cabinet & West Regurgitating Old Lies

 Atlantic Council's "The Iranist" made accusations today against a cabinet member of Iran's newly elected President Raisi.  The Iranist states: " General Ahmad Vahidi for interior minister. Vahidi is a former defense minister sanctioned by the US and wanted by Interpol over his alleged role in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires (AP)."  

This is sheer nonsense.  It would appear that the Western trouble makers are all out of fresh lies and are repeating old lies.  First published at the end of 2008 (since then, the article has "disappeared" from online publications), the following article explains who gained from the lies.

It is important to note that these allegations were made at a time when the pro-West Rafsanjani was president.  Rafsanjani has often come under question for his relations with the West.  True or not, it is certainly true that his daughter, Faezeh, had very close relations with a NED/CIA fund recipient.  Haleh Esfandiari who comes from a Shia Muslim family is married (1967) to Shaul Bakhash, a Jewish Iranian American professor of history and Persian studies at George Mason University.  She was Deputy Secretary General of the Women's Organization of Iran, a royal-patronage society established in 1966 by Ashraf Pahlavi. She is known to have been close to Faezeh Hashemi Rafsanjani, a daughter of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, according to The New York Times.  She was the first Iranian-American fellow at NED (1995).  


Underneath the Rubbles: The Argentina Conspiracy

By: Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

 Haaretz reports that an Argentine judge has ordered the property of a former Iranian diplomat to be seized as compensation awarded to a survivor of the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires.   Without verification, Israeli and American accusations trump lack of evidence in any jurisdiction- Argentina in particular – since it stands to benefit from the verdict.     

The U.S.-Argentina relationship has always been in a struggle; but it was Ronald Reagan, the man who declared to the American people: “We raised a banner of bold colors--no pale pastels. We proclaimed a dream of an America that would be a Shining City on a Hill” who strengthened the ties.   Reagan’s opposition to the Sardinistas prompted him to solicit the aid of the most ruthless military regime Argentina has ever known to train the Contras[i].  

The same regime that was responsible for the disappearance of 20,000 people during 1976-1983, according to The Center for Legal and Social Studies in Buenos Aires.  Other reports speculate the toll to reach as high as 30,000.  Juan Mendez of Americas Watch has compared Argentine’s “dirty war” to “the tragedies experienced by human kind subsequent to World War II".  A former lieutenant commander in the Argentine navy confessed in 1995 that 1,500 to 2,000 live and drugged bodies of victims had been jettisoned into the Atlantic from planes[ii].

Among the victims were some 2000 Jews.  Hitler was not without long-term impact in Argentina.  The country's military regime kept secret camps decorated with swastikas.[iii] A Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs publication reveals that during this period, the foreign policy of Israel was to offer assistance to the Jews in Argentina, but at the same time “to cooperate with the military regime in realizing economic goals” of Israel.  “Israel was accused by various quarters within the Israeli political system and the Jewish community in Argentina of deserting hundreds of Argentinean Jews, some of whom disappeared and some of whom were arrested and tortured under the military junta's rule.”

Some two thousand Jewish lives later, with a different ambition in mind, that of destroying 70 million Iranians, Israel is seeking compensation for a building that was bombed.  With U.S. in tow and a compliant Argentine who is too happy to bury the past –literally, a compensation of one million dollars is being sought for one survivor.

It has been a well-kept secret that an important project being carried out in the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association building was a review of previously secret government files that reportedly reveal how Nazis entered Argentina following World War II helped by Argentine officials. The review of the files had gone on for two years, but had not been completed at the time of the bombing.  “Speculation centered on the possibility that former Argentine government and military officials, fearful of exposure, were responsible for the bomb attack.”[iv] 

It is hard to disregard the views of Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles.  Cooper suggests that government and military figures may have sought to embarrass the Menem government because of its decision to release the files. "Anti-Semitism is endemic in Argentina".   Exemplifying this is the fact that Argentina's chief rabbi was assaulted while walking to synagogue by youths who pushed him to the ground and shouted anti-Semitic curses. The attack was followed by  the painting of Nazi slogans on the chief rabbi's synagogue[v].   Unlikely events in Iran.

However, blaming the bombing on Iranian-backed elements serves both Israel and Argentine.

It exonerates Argentina – and while it saves them domestic conflict and embarrassment, spares the compensation that would be due not only as a result of the bombings, but the paper trail would assure them a fate similar to that of Germany’s.  Perhaps no other judge has better served Argentina than Alberto Nisman.  In spite of Madoff’s disservice to the Jewish community, it is not the million dollar compensation that will make or break anyone in the community.  Even as the United States is in a recession, Israel continues to enjoy receiving 30% of the total foreign aid.  The 2008 budget submitted by Bush to Congress was a 12% increase over 2007.  President-elect Obama, addressing AIPAC, promised even more: $30 billion in aid to Israel

The aim of this fiasco is to further Israel’s foreign policy.  In a diversionary tactic and in order to distract from their expansionist ideology and terrorist tactics, Iran is being scapegoated.  A Soviet correspondent once said this of the Americans:  “I think that the fundamental difference between our worlds, with respect to propaganda, is quite simple. You tend to believe yours ... and we tend to disbelieve ours."  Obviously he was not familiar with Israeli propaganda.  Once again, ambitious Israeli politicians are demonstrating that they can turn away from the anti-Semitism in Argentina in order to further their destructive policies in the Middle East.  With persecution of Iran as centre-piece of this policy, they fail to recognize that the rubbles in Buenos Aires will not hide the truth.


 “Truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but, in the end, there it is.” - Winston Churchill

[i] Pawning Honor for the Contras. New York Times.  (Late Edition (east Coast)). New York, N.Y.:Aug 21, 1987.  p. A.26 

[ii] Jerry W. Knudson, “Veil of Silence; The Argentine Press and the Dirty War 1976-1983”.

[iii] Esther Schrader, President of Argentina Apologizes for Nation's Role as Haven for Nazis. Los Angeles Times. : Jun 14, 2000.  pg. 16

[iv] Jewish Center Bombed in Argentina. The Christian CenturyChicago:Jul 27, 1994.  Vol. 111,  Iss. 22,  p. 716 (2 pp.)

[v] Jewish Center Bombed in Argentina, ibid



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