Thursday, January 3, 2019

Trump: Impeding Impeachment?

Trump may be more clever than we give him credit for.

There is zero doubt that Jewish money (Adelson primarily) and Evangelicals brought him into power.   Israel has been the number one agenda for this President as well as with past presidents.   Trump actually confessed to this!

Trump was so eager to serve Israel that they actually made a coin of him on one side and Cyrus the Great on the other. 

The occupation is moving ahead full speed.  Israel even demanded that US acknowledge Israel ownership of Syria's Golan.   At the UN, America voted against censuring Israel for its occupation of the Golan Heights.

There is no doubt that Israeli-base think tanks planned the interference in Syria.  "Assad must go" not for the Syrians but for the Zionists. 

Having lost the House to a 'blue wave', Trump knows full well he is facing charges, and possibly impeachment. 

US presence in Syria and Afghanistan is hugely unpopular.  Obama refused to attack Syria and undermined himself by not 'honoring' the red line he had set because such a move would have been hugely unpopular.

Although Trump has been in Washington long enough to know who the boss is, there is little doubt that he is a master showman.

By announcing troop withdrawal from Syria (after discussions with Turkey and no doubt, Netanyahu),  he amassed huge support from the liberal, progressive, anti-war Americans.  With his Wall, he is holding onto his base while increasing support among his detractors.   NATO member Turkey was left in charge, as well as giving a green light to Israel to "defend itself".  A win win for all.

He will use this card (anti-war) to appeal to the public should they want to impeach him.


  1. Excellent Article Soraya! Very informative as always! Thank You for all you do!
