Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Health Imperialism and Discriminatory International Laws

Health Imperialism and Discriminatory International Laws

 “Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promise, for never intending to go beyond promise costs nothing.” - Edmund Burke

 Joe Biden’s statements on resuscitating the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has also reignited an old debate inside Iran. With the Rouhani administration clearly siding with those pushing for unconditional return to the ‘deal’ signed with the U.S.  and five other world powers, it is important to discuss what is at stake - specifically as it relates to medical isotopes and Iran's enrichment needs.

 While the United States and its western ‘allies’ demand that Iran stop all enrichment of up to 20% for its research reactor and medical isotopes, the US government has continued its efforts to commercialize nuclear medicine. 

 In 2011, while the Obama administration was busy talking in secret with the ‘reformist’ groups attempting to influence and undermine Iran’s rights under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the U.S. Congress passed the “American Medical Isotopes Production Act of 2011” . The Bill calls for providing uranium to private sector companies to make medical isotopes with U.S. government undertaking the task of waste removal: “The lease contracts shall provide for the Secretary to retain responsibility for the final disposition of radioactive waste created by the irradiation, processing, or purification of leased uranium.” It is important to read the entire Bill here: E:\BILLS\S99.IS (govinfo.gov)

 Under Section 6 titled ‘DOMESTIC MEDICAL ISOTOPE PRODUCTION, the Bill stipulates:

 “(a) In General.— Chapter 10 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2131 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:

 “Sec. 112. Domestic Medical Isotope Production.

“a. The Commission may issue a license, or grant an amendment to an existing license, for the use in the United States of highly enriched uranium as a target for medical isotope production in a nuclear reactor, only if, in addition to any other requirement of this Act.”

 Clearly not a proliferation concern.  America is the arbitrator of international treaties – it would seem with cooperation from other powers. But Iran’s uranium enriched to 19.75% - considered to be LEU and necessary for research reactors and medicinal purposes - has to be halted.  

 Through National Nuclear Security Administration, the U.S. is monopolizing and handing control over global medical isotope production to profit-driven companies. Here is the statement published on NNSA’s website:

 “As part of its mission to minimize the use of highly enriched uranium (HEU), NNSA’s Office of Material Management and Minimization was tasked to lead the Molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) program. Mo-99 is an isotope that is used in over 40,000 medical procedures in the United States each day, but is 100% supplied by foreign vendors, most of which use HEU in the production process.”

 It also identifies four private companies currently working with the U.S. government:

NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes, LLC, located in Beloit, Wisconsin

·       SHINE Medical Technologies, located in Janesville, Wisconsin Northwest

·       Medical Isotopes, located in Corvallis, Oregon

·       Niowave, Inc., located in Lansing, Michigan”


Medical isotopes are a lucrative, growing business and one that is essential to human health.

Radiotherapy can be used to treat some medical conditions, especially cancer, using radiation to weaken or destroy particular targeted cells.

·       Over 40 million nuclear medicine procedures are performed each year, and demand for radioisotopes is increasing at up to 5% annually.

·       Sterilization of medical equipment is also an important use of radioisotopes

The global radioisotope market was valued at $9.6 billion in 2016, with medical radioisotopes accounting for about 80% of the total, and poised to reach about $17 billion by 2021. North America is the dominant market for diagnostic radioisotopes with close to half of the market share, while Europe accounts for about 20%.  Hence, 70% of the global medical radioisotopes goes to a population of 778 million people (US 331 and EU 447 million) while 7 billion (global population 7.8 billion less US and EU) are left with only 30%.  

Where there is health imperialism, profit, and discrimination, there is Bill Gates.  According to the Journal of Economics and Sociology (2015), Bill Gates, the single biggest contributor to World Health Organization (WHO): 

 "Gates calls for discussion “about which parts of the process [WHO] should lead and which ones others (including the World Bank and the G7 countries) should lead in close coordination.” While the article contains perfunctory nods to U.N. authority, as well as brief lip service to the idea of strengthening public health services in poor countries, there can be little doubt that Gates is advocating a new form of international institution, transcending the United Nations, targeting the developing world, and effectively controlled by the wealthy nations of the West".  

 It comes as no surprise therefore that Gates in involved with nuclear medicine.  "TerraPower, the nuclear research venture founded by Bill Gates, is joining with Isotek Systems and the U.S. Department of Energy in a public-private partnership aimed at turning what otherwise would be nuclear waste into radiation doses for cancer treatment."  

 Such benevolence.  But sovereign signatory nations party to the NPT are not permitted to cure their sick.

 Furthermore, the more affluent people living in countries with limited access to nuclear medicine, find their way to the US or the EU for treatment, benefiting from their affluence while taking their home country's wealth to the West.  And the gap is only growing.

 In the USA there are over 20 million nuclear medicine procedures conducted per year, and in Europe about 10 million. In Australia there are about 560,000 per year, with 470,000 using reactor isotopes. The use of radiopharmaceuticals in diagnosis is growing at over 10% per year.  

 But in spite of the dire shortage of medical isotopes as reported by IAEA report – April 2020, JCPOA and the signatories, are demanding that Iran not produce this life-saving nuclear medicine.    

 The degree of double standards and hypocrisy cannot be emphasized enough. Only 10 nuclear reactors, many of which are nearing 50 years of operation, produce over 95% of the world’s supply. In 2007, Poland used HEU to supply medical isotopes – and continued.   Why and how is it that the IAEA and other members states have no problem with Poland possessing HEU?    “In 2007, during a supply crisis in the molybdenum 99 market (caused by breakdowns at some of the older reactors, particularly the Canadian NRU reactor), Poland’s MARIA reactor increased its HEU-based production of molybdenum 99 to fill the gap. Though the crisis has passed, the Polish reactor does not appear to have reduced its production. It too uses HEU fuel and targets. 

 One of the main suppliers of medical isotope is the Netherlands using bomb grade/HEU to process.    Obviously not an issue with the IAEA or the U.S. or anyone else.  South Africa has maintained around 80 kilograms of its HEU according to NTI Civilian HEU: South Africa | NTI   Clearly, blessed by America as they are working on producing LEU medical isotopes while the U.S. looks the other way

 It is not clear how anyone can accept so much discrimination in applying science, and to enforce not only lawlessness, but health imperialism.








Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Global Health Governance ; Health Imperialism

 The world has been trapped in a state of panic, fear, hunger, unemployment, and downright misery.  Now there are promises of vaccines so that we can return to 'normalcy'.

Regardless of how you view the "pandemic", what your plans and beliefs are, you owe it to yourself to be at least informed.  

This is a 2015 publication.  The groundwork was laid down for health imperialism. Fear is fueling it.  

Click on the link and read it.  It is worth every minute of your time to read every page.  Download in case removed.

American Journal of Economics and Sociology (2015)

Gates et al And Our Health   

Replace the last couple of pages with "adversary" China instead of poor countries.

Noteworthy is the insistence on giving 'blacks' the vaccine first.  

Cuomo:  "And that's why I'm fighting for a mechanism that brings social equity, where the public housing projects get it first and the low-income communities get it first."

"Cuomo pointed to the disproportionate death toll for communities of color during the height of the pandemic. Black people were likely to die at twice the average rate and be infected at twice at the average rate as well."  

Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Media and Elections

 In 2013, I was asked by the ACLU (Shasta Chapter) to give a one hour presentation about 'Government Secrecy', Drones, and Militarization of Police.    Social media was not yet a hindrance to our liberties at that time, although it did plenty to interfere in other countries.  So sadly, the issue of social media was never discussed.  But it is not separate from the mainstream media/corporations and other issues discussed in that talk.

Given what has happened in the 2020 elections, I am posting my talking points (all of it, mistakes and all) in the hope that it may help us understand what the media did in all this.

Incidentally, Trump's maker, i.e. Murdoch and Fox abandoned him as early as early-mid October.  See link here

ACLU talk   April 13, 2013



I would like to thank the ACLU (Shasta chapter) for inviting me to be here with you today – to talk about grave  issues  which are of so much concern to us, our rights, and our country --  "Government Secrecy, drones, and militarization".



A functioning democracy requires the people to hold their government to account. Accountability, in turn, requires knowledge about government activities.



Our fourth President, James  Madison  believed  Knowledge would always  govern ignorance; and the people must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives .



Surely then,  Secrecy is disempowering   cyber security bill  known as the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, CISPA would create a loophole in all existing privacy laws, allowing companies to share Internet users' data with the National Security Agency, part of the Department of Defense, and the biggest spy agency in the world — without any legal oversight. Increasingly, on a daily basis, while our rights are beign trampled upon, such as with CISPA bill,   government secrecy is increasing.  There seems to be direct correlation between government secrecy and our right to privacy!


A 2005 report found that for every $1 spent on declassification, $148 is spent to classify.


In 2011, The federal government spent more than $11 billion to protect its secrets, double the cost of classification a decade ago —and 1.2 billion dollars over the previous year. This sum  does not include the costs incurred by the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and other spy agencies, Pentagon, ….  — classified.


  It is


Moreover,  the government diminishes criticism by keeping information secret, and thereby regulates criticism.


There is no statutory base to what should be stamped as secret. , classification and declassification have been governed  by a series of executive orders, with no  legal framework.



Why should we care/  Some may argue it is to protect us and the country. 


The liberties of a people are not  secure when government transactions are concealed from them.

 Excessive secrecy, which is what we witness today, has significant consequences for the national interest when we cannot engage in informed debate and so government is not held accountable for its actions.   


Politics carried out in our name, in secret and without our knowledge or consent, have often – too often, led to blowback .   the unintended consequences of policies that were kept secret from the American people.



Somewhere on this planet an American commando is carrying out a mission.   a secret force within the U.S. military, the US special forces, taking operations in a majority of the world’s countries.  Some 120 of them. 




CIA coups

Iran Contra, 

cia rendition flights, torture

Underwear bomber -  CIA operative

Drone base in Saudi Arabia – 9/11 Osama bin Laden, first Gulf War…

Syria -


book  The Foreign Policy Disconnect, Benjamin Page and Marshall Bouton demonstrated that most of the crises in post-1945 U.S. foreign policy could have been avoided if U.S. leaders had paid more attention to the views of the public.  But how can the public have any influence on secret policy-making? 


To understand why, or how, we should look at who is pushing the buttons in Washington. In that the Powerful interests run today's America, there is no doubt.  Identifying them is not always so easy – as they seem separate, but often they are not.    


Who and what is big business?   This is a question that can’t be answered in one hour, or one day.  But there are some  which immediately jump to mind.


In 1935, a Major General in the U.S. Marine Corps. Smedley  Butler who died in 1940, and one of only two Marines to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor twice and author of a book called “War is a Racket – 1935) wrote:  "I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high-class muscle man for Big Business.


Today, the military is part and parcel of big business.  


Drones that can become chemichal biological warfare weapons

Radiological dispersal becomes possible and potentially effective with a UAV over large urban areas, but only if the source material is cesium chloride--the one radiological source that comes in powdered form.[18] Dispersal of chemical or especially biological agent is ideally suited for a UAV; its flight stability permits the release of agent evenly along a line of contamination





President Eisenhower spoke of the military industrial complex.    But today,  we are facing a greater danger -   the military-industrial-media complex.   Media magnates and people on the boards of large media-related corporations have close links with the military industry and Washington’s foreign-policy – no longer separate from domestic policies.    


Just to give an example -  General Electric doesn’t just make appliances.   GE manufactures weapons – and it owns The vast NBC network .   GE designed, manufactured or supplied parts or maintenance for nearly every major weapon system used by the U.S. during the Gulf War 1991—including the Patriot and Tomahawk Cruise missiles.   Its media arm, NBC, then praised and justified the use of weapons made by their parent company. 


To the detriment of the public interest, and the world at large, the military-media ties have grown extensively.   


Top 10 media corporations share board director positions with the major defense contractors .  Example Disney (ABC), Boeing Alwyn Lewis: Disney (ABC), Halliburton, Douglas McCorkindale: Gannett, Lockheed-Martin ….


It is no accident that these giant weapons contractors use the news media as the public relations arm for their primary product - war and the weapons of war... big media in the United States effectively represent the interests of corporate America

They are the watchdogs of acceptable ideological messages, responsible for manufacturing consent - Their goal is to control the news and information available to society. The two most prominent methods used to accomplish this task are censorship and propaganda.


Not to left unmentioned is the role of think tanks, and the Diaspora – the exiles and some NGOS – which Colin Powell referred to as force multipliers.   No war, no coup, no regime change would be possible without the Diaspora’s role in facilitating, or pushing for same.    To give a few recent examples, the Iraqi National Council (Chalabi), The Libyan National Transitional Council, the Syrian National Council, 

Cubans, etc.


Grasping this  dynamic will give us a clearer picture of the rise of the drones!


The drone program cost billions of dollars, until cost millions, flight hours thousands of dollars per hour.   Or drone wars, as they are called – there was a program by the same name, rise of the drones, on PBS, in part, funded by Lockheed martin!


You’ve probably heard of the Congressional Black Caucus, or perhaps the Progressive Caucus, but we now have a drone caucus! . Officially, it’s the Unmanned Systems Caucus and top donors are   Lockheed Martin,  Boeing, Northrop Grumman.



Drones are aerial robots – unmanned aerial vehincles - remotely controlled, that carry visual sensors, navigation systems, and even weapons. They come in all shapes and sizes and go by a variety of names. Since 2005, the federal government has awarded at least $12 billion in contracts for drones and drone supplies and maintenance. That includes at least $270 million for U.S.


Between 50 and 60 percent of the workforce of the CIA's most important directorate, the National Clandestine Service (NCS), responsible for the gathering of human intelligence, is composed of employees of for-profit corporations.



Amazing fact considering that drone makers not only lobby  to get drones approved, but as importantly,  Corporate intelligence professionals from companies such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Booz Allen Hamilton, and others are thoroughly integrated into analytical divisions throughout the intelligence community. 



estimates as high as 98% of drone strike casualties being civilians (50 for every one "suspected terrorist"). The Bureau of Investigative Journalism issued a report detailing how the CIA is deliberately targeting those who show up after the sight of an attack, rescuers, and mourners at funerals as a part of a "double-tap" strategy . 


The drone war is carried out remotely, from the U.S. and a network of secret bases around the world – and we recently learnt that one of the drone bases is in Saudi Arabia -   9/11.  blowback.  Where else? 


When the United States kills people in foreign, sovereign states, the world looks to international law for the standard of justification. Use of drones is illegal.  There are Last monght, During a  national press conference in Atlanta, Jimmy Carter expressed  that Drone attacks are gross violations of international law and human rights and are outright immoral. The claim that the President of the United States has the ultimate power to determine who is guilty and therefore a legitimate target of assassination is dangerous.


AT about the same time as Carter’s speech, Attorney General Eric Holder did not entirely rule out a scenario under which a drone strike would be ordered against Americans on U.S. soil, but says it has never been done previously and he could only see it being considered in an extraordinary circumstance. 



 "federal authorities have stepped up efforts to license surveillance drones for law enforcement and other uses in US airspace".  Mayor Bloomberg, "Like it or not, the eye in the sky will soon be following your every move".


Arkansas State Fusion Center Director Richard Davis recently confirmed Americans’ fears: the center does in fact spy on Americans – but only on those who are suspected to be ‘anti-government’.    This may well be interpreted to include all of us!


But there is much more to drones.


A drone named "Switchblade", described as "the ultimate assassin bug",  can  worm its way around buildings and into small areas, sending its surveillance imagery to an i-Pad held by the operator, who can then direct the Switchblade to lunge toward and kill the target by exploding in his face.


There are insect drones with the ability to land on you and infect you with a virus, or take DNA, or plant a tiny microchip.   It could land on you and stay, so that you take it with you into your home. Or it could fly into a building through a window. There are well-funded research projects working on such devices with such capabilities.

Aside from the threat posed to our civil rights and liberties – in itself, of utmost importance,  there are untold dangers posed by the drones. 


Drones can be easily hacked.   In June last year, the University of Texas at Austin reportedly demonstrated in front of Department of Homeland Security officials that it is relatively easy to take control of an airborne drone by hacking into its GPS system.

So, if these drones were created to be spies, or to kill, they can be hijacked and used against us. – turned on us.


They also be  duplicated.  Chinese  are making drones at a fraction fo the cost of US drones.  And looking for clients. 


No American safe.


The other public concern is the inability of drones to detect other aircraft (or each other!) in the area, creating safety problems in busy airspace. Law-enforcement agencies could use them to illegally monitor Americans.  


Drones are big business. 




What are the implications?

Historians and political scientists have warned us about  dangerous war fever sweeping the United States. Today we have gone beyond that.    


The "Global War on Terror" -  A war indefinite in duration, against an ill-defined and shifting enemy, al-qaeda the enemy, now being armed in Syria - and  without a clear explanation of American strategy, a specific definition of victory, or even a way to measure progress in the struggle has taken its toll on civil liberty.  The problem of militarization poses a danger to the very character of American government and society.


General Tommy Franks - in his first public interview after retiring from active duty in 2003, identified the single most dangerous possibility offered by an endless war on terrorism. An attack with weapons of mass destruction "just to create casualties ... to terrify" could lead "the western world, the free world" to forfeit its "freedom and liberty," to lose its democracy, and "begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass-casualty event, ... to potentially unravel the fabric of our Constitution.


Over half a century ago,  Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson concluded   "by giving way to the passion, intolerance and suspicions of wartime, it is easy to reduce our liberties to a shadow, often in answer to exaggerated claims of security.".

That day is here.  Not only are we under constant surveillance , Take for example the kill list.  A  list which began under the Bush administration as a rationale for murdering suspect citizens of countries with which the United States was not at war has become Obama’s kill list and the scope of the list has been expanded to include the execution, without due process of law, of U.S. citizens accused, without evidence presented in court, of association with terrorism.   Blood ties to a suspect places you in the kill list.

And this is accepted by the people. Robert.

The framers of the Constitution recognized such dangers when they carefully subordinated the military to civilian authority and attempted to limit the power of the President to initiate war. 


Gregory Foster, a former Army officer and West Point graduate who now teaches national security studies at the National Defense University in Washington said that principle of civilian control of the military—an early building block of American democracy-  has become the  civilian subjugation to the military.   

Today, the degree to which  society's institutions, policies, behaviors, thought, and values are devoted to military power and shaped by war are alarming.   

The incursion of military recruiters and teachings into the public school system is well known..  .  Presidents favors speaking to captive audiences at military bases, defense plants, and on aircraft carriers.  lawmakers’ constant use of “support our troops” to justify defense spending, to TV programs and video games like “NCIS,” “Homeland” and “Call of Duty,” to reality show “Stars Earn Stripes,” Americans are subjected to a daily diet of stories that valorize the military while the storytellers pursue their own opportunistic political and commercial agendas



Former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld acknowledged publicly in an October 24, 2003, interview in the Washington Times:

       "We are in a war of ideas, as well as a global war on terror. Ideas are important, and they need to be marshalled, and they need to be communicated in ways that are persuasive to the listeners."

Embedded journalists in Iraq and Afghanistan –

This was part of his information operations roadmap.   As part of the plan,  “public affairs officers brief journalists”.   In 2005 it came to light that the Pentagon paid the Lincoln Group (a private company) to plant ‘hundreds of stories’ in Iraqi papers in support of U.S. Policies



The war has been internalized, whether you look at drones, kill list, or militarization of the police force, or in the classrooms.  

During the Clinton administration, Congress passed what's now known as the "1033 Program," which formalized  Reagan administration's directive to the Pentagon to share surplus military gear with domestic police agencies. Since then, millions of pieces of military equipment designed for use on a battlefield have been transferred to local cops -- SWAT teams and others -- including machine guns, tanks, armored personnel carriers,

The Pentagon's 1033 program has exploded under Obama. 

Clinton also created the "Troops to Cops" program, which offered grants to police departments who hired soldiers returning from battle, contributing even further to the militarization of the police force.

David Grossman 2005 Retired US Army


the law enforcement groups, worldwide to kill. 

Law enforcement should be for protection of the civilians. 

most of what I do is I train military and law enforcement in what I call the bulletproof mind

Prior preparation is that one variable in the equation that we can control ahead of time, and one of the key things is embracing the responsibility to kill.

So when I teach, one of the things I believe we need to do is embrace this word "kill."

Bloomberg and Kelly are the proud autocrats who brag of “hav(ing) my own army in the NYPD” and who used that army to spy on peaceful Occupy Wall Street protestors.


Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Battle of Algiers - a lesson for us all

 I wrote this short film review in 2007.  I keep going back to it especially in light of France and Macron's hostilities towards the Moslem population I am posting here.  

In the film “The Battle of Algiers” (1966), the director Gillo Pontecorvo depicts the push for independence and the rise of nationalism.  He further demonstrates the oppressive and inhuman manner in which occupying forces treat the natives; a past so much alive today.   Not only is the right of the people taken away from them, but also their dignity.  Pontecorvo strongly condemns colonization with his production of this movie.  

He further suggests that the officials of the French Government were the first ones to commit terrorism, for by definition terrorism is an act of violence against civilians, which the French started by placing a bomb in the Casbah killing innocent women and children. the Algiers were not targeting civilians, only the representatives of the government, that is, the policemen, no civilians had been targeted up to that point.  However, when the commissionaire, a representative of the French government started an act of terror, a political reaction was put into play and the National Liberation Front (FLN) started their bombing campaign.

Pontecorvo makes a point for the Arabs in that they resorted to terror and bombing because they did not have the military advantage of the French army/paratroopers.  He would like us to conclude that the bombing of villages and killing of innocent people by French planes was more deplorable than the suicide bombings[i].   Pontecorvo’s message is clear in that although a military battle was won, and the terrorists eliminated, the French were not able to win the ideological battle, nor were they able to crush the peoples’ hope for freedom and independence. Guns can crush a man’s body but not his spirit.   The people did prevail and 5 years later the ultimate war was won by the people of Algiers.

The irony of this movie is that although it reflects events in the 1950’s (and Algeria got it’s independence in (1962), the same mistakes are being made today.  Iraq is a case in point.  The parallels are alarming.  A client state of the United States, the insurgents are fighting the occupiers (coalition forces), and have succeeded in isolating them.  The U.N., Red Cross and every other humanitarian organization has left the country.  The U.S. army is on the defensive whereas not long ago it bragged of an easy victory.  It wants to leave, but must leave in a face-saving manner.   Just like Col. Mathieu’s analogy, the US thought that if they caught the “head of the tapeworm”, it would be the end of terrorism.  Mathieu eliminated every “terrorist”, yet, five years later, the French were driven out of Algeria; Saddam Hossein was caught, humiliated in public view, and the insurgencies, bombings, and deaths escalated.  

Although The Pentagon uses this movie as an excellent source for training in terrorism and counter-terrorism, in reality the real lesson to be learnt here is we must not be occupiers – we should not underestimate nationalism and national pride – that we cannot impose our political will with our military might.  Unless we learn from history, we are doomed to relive it.  This is precisely what is happening today.   In relating this film to the course, one realizes that we are repeating the same mistakes that the French made in trying to “conquer and master” the Algiers.  Our invasion of Iraq was a mistake in thinking that we can occupy their land.  The U.S. has the strongest military in the world but lacks all moral authority.  It will never win wars. 

What I also took away with me, which may not have been Pontecorvo’s message, is that the United Nations has always been, and continues to be, as to eloquently articulated by George W. Bush, irrelevant.  It failed to back the Algiers after their peaceful, 7-day strike, it divided the land in Palestine, it stood by when hundreds of thousands were butchered in Rwanda, it stood by when Iraq gassed Iranians, it stood by when the United States invaded Iraq, and the list goes on. It is always observing, claiming it does not have the power.  But when push comes to shove, and it needs to back a major power, it seems to find the necessary power – it finds relevance.


[i] This point is conveyed to the audience when  a terror suspect is being questioned by the Western media and he is condemned for suicide bombing.  His answer is “which is worse, the indiscriminate bombing of villages and killing of innocent civilians by French planes or the suicide bombing of police stations? Give us your planes and we will not attack the police stations.”

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Shirin Ebadi Poking Her Ugly Head Out - Again!

Calling for sanctions again in this Video    .  This woman who was given a Nobel Peace prize to give her a platform to promote sanctions, interference, and hardships against Iranians so that USisrael can install a puppet in Iran, has a history of working with brutal dictators.  

The Nobel Laureate and I: A Response to 'Shirin Ebadi Prepares for the End'


Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi's belief that the regime's days in Tehran are numbered is based on optimism; but regrettably, the interview belies her habitual style of distorting reality to her advantage.  It was this unattractive trait that turned the pride I felt in being her interpreter in January 2006 to disappointment, disbelief, and displeasure.


It is curious that once again Ebadi, this 'human rights' lawyer, should get herself involved in Iran's nuclear program and opine that the 'leadership is not negotiating in good faith'.  It was her very assessment of Iranians and her source of information which dumbstruck me in 2006 when she stated that the Iranian people didn't support the nuclear program and the supporters we witnessed on television were the 'paid Basij'.   


Contrary to this misinformation, the uniting factor in Iran is the nuclear program.  A 2004 poll showed that 75-80% of the Iranians rallied behind the Islamic Republic of Iran in support of its nuclear program including the full fuel cycle.  A fact confirmed in a 2007 poll conducted by the U.S. Institute of Peace.  The latter elaborates that: "Even with the crackdown on liberties, free press, and the increasing oppression in the country, the poll found that 64% of those polled said that US legislation repealing regime change in Iran would not be incentive enough to give up the nuclear program and full fuel-cycle".


What is most surprising is that this recipient of a Nobel prize, a lawyer, is totally ignorant of international treaties, although she can be forgiven for not knowing the American Constitution.   Ms. Ebadi recommends that the United States continue its blatant violation of the Algiers Accords -- a bilateral agreement concluded between Iran and the United States, and  use VOA and Radio Farda to reach Iranians inside Iran 'to convince them  that the sanctions are targeted at the regime and not the ordinary Iranians'.


If Ms. Ebadi has been 'harassed' by officials in Iran, its perhaps her total disregard for law.   Point I.1 of the Algiers Accord states: “The United States pledge that it is and from now will be the policy of the United States not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically or militarily, in Iran’s internal affairs.”  Per Article VI of the Algiers Accords, the violated party, Iran, has the right to refer the matter to the Tribunal at Hague, the Netherlands, where the International Court of Justice will have jurisdiction.    


Further, the 1955 Treaty of Amity signed between the United States and Iran, which due to its 2/3 majority approval was signed into law and recorded at the United Nations. The linchpin of the Treaty is free trade between the two countries.  Neither party has called to dissolve the Treaty.  Yet, in spite of the Treaty being in full force, sanctions have been imposed on Iran and Ms. Ebadi is encouraging the United States not only to dishonor its own treaty, but to violate the bilateral Algiers Accords. 


This promoter of human rights, who has taken it upon herself to speak on behalf of Iranians, states:  'Iranians will endure considerable hardship if they think the endgame is greater respect for human rights'.  Is she suggesting that Iranians, like Iraqis, be subjected to considerable hardship if they can have respect for human rights - a respect that has yet to be translated into reality on the ground after hundreds of thousands have died.    


It is a coincidence that this indistinguishable figure who was proud to be a judge during the Shah's era, a period of dictatorship when the more fortunate dissidents were subjected to SAVAK's torture techniques while others disappeared,  is now hailed as the champion of human rights endorsing meddling in Iran's affairs by the American propaganda machine.  Almost too much of a coincidence.  What made her stand out against all the other activists not only in Iran, but around the globe who worked so hard towards the  'liberties'  that the Western perspective could  recognize and relate to? 


It is curious that in interviewing Mr. Ebadi, Jeffrey Gedmin of Foreign Policy should mention Vaclav Havel.  A new wave of liberal thinking emerged which endorsed the idea of promoting 'democracy'  ("liberal Imperialism")  in places of interest, i.e. Iraq and Iran through an individual  "And even more important, one could point to the success of leaders like Kim Dae Jung, Nelson Mandela, Vaclav Havel....."  It was also believed that transition to 'democracy' required focusing on "political strategies" and introducing "indeterminancy" and "uncertainty" into the process of political change which in itself was ground for cautious optimism that democracy could catch on.


In 2006, when Ms. Ebadi was being praised for her "bravery" and asked how it was that she was not afraid to go to Iran, she responded: When I got my Nobel prize and went back to Iran, there were over one million people at the airport waiting for me.  They [the government] wouldn't dare touch me.".   One has to wonder why she would be afraid to come back with her one million supporters?  Or perhaps it is the hardship she is encouraging for the Iranians that keep her away from the land which will no doubt reject interference, including all those who solicit them.  

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Hariri Assassination Verdict

 On February 14, 2005, an explosion rocked Beirut killing and injuring hundred of people chief among them the former Prime Minister of Lebanon, Rafik al-Hariri. The West was quick to blame Hezbollah and Syria.   In 2006, Israel and its tanks rolled into Lebanon.

15 years later, on August 4th, another explosion rocked Lebanon.  This time, the fingers were again pointed at Hezbollah and its ‘Iran backers’.   And once again,  Israeli tanks crossed into Lebanon. 

After years of investigating the first incident, on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, Syria and Hezbollah were acquitted of involvement in the 2005 explosion.    Judges at a U.N.-backed tribunal said Tuesday that there was no evidence the leadership of the Hezbollah militant group and Syria were involved in the 2005 suicide truck bomb assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.” 

Yet reading the Western media headlines, one would think that the judge had found Hezbollah guilty.   Just as the most recent explosion was blamed on Hezbollah.  But what would Hezbollah gain from such horrific acts?  If not Hezbollah, ‘cui bono’?  The answer is simple.  Proving it is not.

The 1967 war resulted in the exponential expansion of Israeli water sources including the  control of the Golan “Heights” (also referred to as the Syrian Golan).   For decades, Syrian Golan and the return of its control to Syria had posed a major obstacle to the Israeli-Syrian peace negotiations.   Israel’s water demands make it virtually impossible to accommodate this process.  In fact, even with full control of the Golan, Israel’s water crisis in 2000 were so acute that it prompted Israel to turn to Turkey for water purchase.   

Importantly, Syria’s presence in Lebanon since the outbreak of the Lebanese civil war in 1975 played a crucial role in hindering Israel’s never-ending water demands.   Although the 1955 Johnston Plan (under the auspices of the Eisenhower administration) proposed diverting water from Lebanon’s Litani River into Lake Kinneret, it was not officially formulated, though it remained an attractive prospect.    In 1982, Israeli forces established the frontline of their security zone in Lebanon along the Litani.   Numerous reports alleged that Israel was diverting large quantities of Litani water.  

On June 6, 1982, Israel advanced into Lebanon.   However, the Syrian army halted the Israeli army advance in the battle of Sultan Yakub and the battle of Ain Zahalta.  Sharon’s plan to conquer all of Lebanon and destroy Syria as a military power was thwarted.  In reviewing the book and the battles, the famous scholar and activist, Israel Shahak, opined that “the principal purpose of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon was destruction of the Syrian Army”[i].

A 1987 book by Col. Emmanuel Wald of the Israeli General Staff entitled “The Ruse of the Broken Vessels: The Twilight of Israeli Military Might (1967-1982) reveals the aims of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon and the month of pre-planning that had gone into it.  Wald writes that Ariel Sharon’s master plan codenamed “Oranim” was to defeat the Syrian troops deployed in the Bekaa Valley all the way to the district of Baalbek in North of Lebanon.  According to Wald, “during the first days, it was quietly approved by the U.S.”.

Sharon’s plans were put in the backburner.   Though the urgency of the successful implantation of the plan was not lost on Israelis; perhaps made even more urgent in the face of the 1991 Lebanese-Syrian Treaty of Brotherhood, Cooperation and Coordination .  The treaty was a challenge to Israel and its diversion of water and annexation.  When Syria replaced Israel as the dominant power in southern Lebanon in May 2000, Israeli fears grew that Syrian success in controlling the Golan and by extension, Lake Kinneret, would have a devastating effect on Israel. 

Washington, always ready to serve Israel, passed the Syrian Accountability Act and the Lebanon Sovereignty Restoration Act.  Without any hesitation to investigate the explosion, Washington and the West did not hesitate to place the blame on Syria and Hezbollah.   Much to the delight of The Washington Institute, the pro-Israel think tank, the United States implemented the Act which in addition to sanctions, called for the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon.   In 2006, the deck was cleared for Israel to attack Lebanon.

Although the Tribunal found no ties to Syria or Hezbollah leadership, it did convict Salim Ayyash -  a Hezbollah member.   The question is, was Ayyash a rogue member acting on his own or was he a member of Israel’s “Arab Platoon” (Ronen Bergman, 2018)[ii].  

The Arab Platoon a clandestine commando unit whose members operated disguised as Arabs, were trained fighters who could operate inside ‘enemy’ lines, gather information, and carry out sabotage and targeted killings. Their training included commando tactics and explosives, but also intensive study of Islam and Arab customs.  Nicknamed the “Mistaravim” (the name by which the Jews went in some Arab countries), they practiced Judaism but in all other aspects were Arabs.

It is not clear to this writer if Ayyash was a Hezbollah member or a Mistaravim.  However, it is evident that neither Syria, Lebanon, nor Hezbollah benefited from the attack.    

Curiously, the initial tribunal date coincided with the Lebanon port explosion which devasted the country, even making it appear as if the explosion and the delay in the hearing would benefit Hezbollah.  Undoubtedly, the findings of the Tribunal must have been very disappointing for Israel and its backers who had placed the blame on Hezbollah and Syrian leadership.  It may be reassuring for some and worrying for others that the FBI is in Beirut investigating.  FBI has managed to build quite a reputation for cover ups.   

Beirut has been devastated.  And as with 2006, every foe is out to grab a part of this beautiful country.  During the 2006 war, while Israel bombed Lebanon, Carlyle profited greatly – as did the Saudis, the U.S., and of course, Israeli. The systematic destruction of Lebanon translated into significant opportunity for the Carlyle Group and with the ‘crisis, they announced a $1.3 billion fund for investment in the region. They were not alone. The rush was on. The big investment banks -- Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers – all increased their presence in the region. Israel, the perpetrator as the benefactor, received an increase of USD 500 million additional in aid package from the U.S. in September of the same year (Ynet news).

With millions of funds from  CIA/NED spent in Lebanon over the past few years (NED 2018, etc.), the country is ripe for its enemies to bend it to their will.   Clearly, this would not benefit Hezbollah, Iran, or Lebanon.   Fingers have also been pointed at Israel for being the culpit.  It may take several years for the truth to come out – and be proven.  At the end of the day though, cui bono?

[i] Sahak, Israel.  Israel Considers War With Syria as It Ponders 1982 Invasion of Lebanon,The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (September 30, 1992).

[ii] Ronen Bergman.  Rise And Kill First; The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations.  P. 24.  Random House 2018