Sunday, February 27, 2022

What If?

 It has never been easy to understand what goes on in politics; but what has happened over the past several years had made it virtually impossible.   However we try to make sense of things, COVID, mandatory jabs, funding neo-Nazis in Ukraine, Russia-Ukraine crisis, something does not make sense.  Theories and explanations just satisfy one answer and we are left with: 'but what about ...' 

The Russia-Ukraine crisis escalated four days ago - and we are all facing a catastrophic future.  None of it makes sense.  And then there is that persistent question: "Why"?

So let us consider a variety of possibilities, not on any particular order, and see if dig ourselves a darker hole or climb out of one.

Is there a correlation between the vaccine mandates and the impending full-blown war in Europe?

WHAT IF the covid vaccines are not designed to cure what some dub a 'common cold' - albeit a deadly one, but to prevent what is to come - biowarfare or radiation fall-out?

There have been so many theories thrown out there about the mandatory vaccines - perhaps the one widely accepted among the anti-mandate group being a New World Order and population control.  Given the virus itself and the serious and often deadly side-effects of the vaccine, the sudden deaths, disruption of the menstruation cycle among women, and so on, it is easy to see why this theory has its appeal.   And then of course the vaccine passes which would lead to complete control of us all.

But why would the NWO crowd start the depopulation and control process with its own people?  Europe, America, Israel, China, Russia and the more affluent populations are among the most vaccinated.  Surely if the goal is to depopulate, "THEY" would start with poor countries rich in resources that could be had - such as Africa and the Middle East.  Or those not rich in resources but simply 'disposable' populations such as Norht Korea or India.   But that has not been the case.

If a further goal of the vaccine is to control the population, the vaccinated are already compliant!  There are those who willingly succumbed to the vaccine out of fear, or 'safety'.  It is a safe bet to think that these same people would be compliant in general.  Others agreed to be vaccinated for fear of losing their livelihoods as opposed to fighting for their freedom.  They would fall into the compliant class as well.   They would not be a threat to "THEM".

But what if some catastrophe were to happen and eliminate a good part of the world population - the 'undesirables', the poor, the disobedient, say the unvaccinated?  

Why have the mandates been lifted along with an escalation in the Russian-Ukraine conflict?  Was England the first?  Seems so.  I could be wrong.  But it is very convenient albeit tragic timing given that the Ukraine-Russia conflict is creating millions of refugees for Europe - though 'whites only' need apply.  No vaccine mandates.


WHAT IF a war on a scale not seen before, with weapons not used before is set to start?  WHAT if the vaccines are to help protect those exposed to the weapons - microwave, radiation, virus, etc.  True, there have been vaccine casualties and side effects, but miniscule compared to what is to come without the jabs.   

Why did two prominent American universities run simulations within a couple of months of each other with deadly results:  Princeton University runs a simulation of nuclear war between the US and Russia in September 2019 - millions and millions of casualties.

John Hopkins runs a simulation on a pandemic - coronavirus in November 2019!   Millions of deaths!

Why did the United States build an Armageddon proof city in Israel called Site 911 in 2012, with the ushering in of the Obama admin.?  US was quick to add Phase II of the special bunkers during the same administration.  

Why did the United States Congress remove a ban in 2016 on funding neo-Nazi extremists in Ukraine?

Given that the last time Wall Street & prominent Americans funded Hitler, after Hitler offered Palestine to the German Jews (seems Trump followed his example by giving Syria Golan to Israel), it led to World War II, why would the US once again fund and arm neo-Nazis - and why would Israel arm neo-Nazis in Ukraine?    Will they hide in Site 911 as the world is set ablaze?  Why are Jews, especially prominent Jews in America so pro neo-Nazis?

Though the West would like to change the narrative of the Second World War, it was in fact the Soviet Union/Russia that defeated the Nazis - not Europe and not America.  

But putting the squeeze on Russia, "THEY" know that Russia is left with one choice - one choice only.  It has to being out the big guns.  But WHAT IF Russia checked these plans with a preemptive move?

WHAT IF, years in the making,  the fascists, their backers, and the vaccines are all truly intended to depopulate the planet?  

WHAT IF ....

Even if all this supposition and madness were true, I would not get the vaccinated.   I would not want the world left behind.

Sunday afternoon thoughts in the dark empire which is making the world all too dark.

RELATED?   Chernobyl nuclear disaster altered the genetics of the dogs left behind, scientists say - ABC News (


  1. Great article here, Soraya! I ask these questions everyday! Time will tell.

  2. Chilling "what if'''s - even more so if one considers all GoF's bioweapons, & factors in the FDA VRBPAC ''experts" outright stating that "[t]his is a giant experiment" requiring massive "data mining."
